
Click here to run in Postman

Click here to run in Postman


  1. Create an account for Alerty and navigate to the Dashboard
  2. Once on the dashboard, add Alerty to your home screen
  3. Open the app from your home screen and sign in
  4. Enable notifications for your device and hit “allow” when prompted by iOS
  5. Hit “Send Test Notification” to make sure everything is working

Send your first notification

  1. Send your first custom notification by calling the API with your API Key and Device ID

    1. Find your API Key on the Home page of the dashboard
    2. Update the cURL command below to use your API key and change the message if you’d like!
    curl --location '<https://alerty.dev/api/notify>' \\
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \\
    --data '{
    	"title": "alerty.dev test notification",
    	"message":"My first notification through the Alerty API!"


Authentication to the API is performed via Bearer Auth:

'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'

Your API key is extremely sensitive, so be sure to keep it secure! Do not share your secret API keys in publicly accessible areas.

Send a notification


Body Payload

Body Parameter Required Type Default Description
message required string message is a string that includes information about the push notification
title optional string Title for your notification message
image optional string null A string containing the URL of an image to be displayed in the notification.
icon optional string Alerty Logo A string containing the URL of an image to be used as an icon by the notification.
device_id optional string[] All Active Devices If no device_id[] is included, the push message will be sent to all active devices on your account. Otherwise, including device_id will ensure that the notification is only sent to the specific device.
urgency optional string, one of very-low, low, normal, high very-low Urgency is to indicate to the push service whether to send the notification immediately or prioritize the recipient’s device power considerations for delivery. Provide one of the following values: very-low, low, normal, or high. To attempt to deliver the notification immediately, specify high.
actions optional https://pfista.notion.site/Alerty-API-Documentation-879a830803dd4521a857870891cd7b52 null Allows users to take action on your notification, like opening a URL.

Note: Actions are only supported on some platforms and devices. |